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TRAINING MANAGER LEADERSHIP – Geneva, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Valais, Fribourg, Zürich, Bâle, Bern

Succeeding in your new role

The goals of this course on manager leadership and succeeding in your new role

Good managers must combine expertise and interpersonal skills effectively in all their professional activities. It is essential that they develop productive people skills, as well as understanding and optimising the functioning of their teams whilst adopting a positive and pro-active vision of their environment. This course, which is of a highly practical nature and is based on numerous exercises, provides participants with the reflexes that are essential for good managers.


This course is designed primarily for executives who are required to lead a team as well as anyone keen to organise their work practices.

Course requirements

No special knowledge required.

Practical exercises

The course, which is based on realistic simulation exercises and a comparison of different practices, will equip participants with management techniques that can be employed directly in the field.


Training programme for becoming a manager and succeeding in your new role

Management styles

  • Self-evaluation of management styles: directionality, persuasion, association, organisation and negotiation.
  • Management mapping.
  • Management by skills.

Practical exercises

Complete a comprehensive questionnaire, and illustrated presentation of identified styles.

Staying in tune with your team


  • Considering the balance of power.
  • Taking up a clear position in the corporate hierarchy and deciding on your field of power.
  • Establishing and enforcing operating rules.
  • Appropriating existing regulations.
  • Measuring possible adjustments.
  • Developing a system for recognising success, adopting the habit of articulating your satisfaction, and distinguishing between “being” ”acting” when criticising.


  • Communicating goals to your team with conviction.
  • Creating a stimulating atmosphere.
  • Celebrating events in the year, personal events and company events; presenting change positively: systems and information flow.
  • Developing links relevant to individuals, management style.
  • Taking individual needs into account: recognition, status and security.
  • Developing motivational tools: bonuses, benefits, promotion, projects, working conditions, etc.


  • Daring to delegate: empowering others and retaining responsibility for a task.
  • Choose which tasks to delegate depending on the employees concerned and the needs of the company.
  • Issuing clear instructions, developing a policy for delegation and setting quantified objectives.
  • Introducing planned audits and limiting interference… at the same time as devising a progress plan in agreement with your team.


  • Mastering the phases of an assessment interview.
  • Setting goals.
  • Establishing a challenging schedule.
  • Evaluating individual results based on objective criteria.
  • The annual assessment interview, training needs.


Drawing on their daily work, participants develop a variety of decision-making policies and work to resolve temporary or chronic lack of motivation amongst their employees. There is a case study, with participants creating delegations to be implemented in their teams. There are also exercises for preparing for and conducting assessment interviews with employees.

Communication techniques


  • Organising your ideas into a plan.
  • Asserting yourself: giving weight to your words and involving the audience.
  • Finding convincing arguments.

Conducting an interview

  • Assessing the situation: listening and reformulating.
  • Learning to ask concrete questions: open and closed questions.
  • Negotiating a win-win agreement, reminder about life positions, and prioritising consensus over compromise.

Conducting a meeting

  • Defining the role of the leader: producer, facilitator, regulator.
  • Understanding how groups operate: distrust, structuring and cohesion.
  • Reining in excesses, accepting new ideas… but putting them back into perspective.

Managing tricky situations

  • Replacing flight, aggressiveness and manipulation with assertiveness.
  • Making delicate requests; setting the stage simply, being factual; presenting the negative and positive consequences.
  • Learning to say “no” without causing tension, explaining without justifying yourself, knowing when to suggest an alternative.


Participants practice: speaking in front of an audience in mock interview and meetings, conducting job interviews and solving problems. There are also exercises on leading a negotiation meeting: participants practice managing tensions in a team and avoiding conflict using cases encountered in everyday life.


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 This Management and leadership training is also available in Dubai and Abu Dhabi (UAE)




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All our courses can be delivered in English, French, German, Swiss German, Italian, or Spanish.

All our services are available in Switzerland: Geneva, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Valais, Fribourg, Zürich, Bâle, Bern.